Our Clients
Who we help
Our clients are game changers – aiming to disrupt traditional markets or compete against long-standing incumbents.
The answer is yes if you’ve been growing your business through referrals – or have tried lead generation programmes in the past with limited success. And now want to scale up, building a predictable pipeline of opportunities.
Referrals are great – but it’s passive – you never really know when the next one will come in. What you really want is some control and a scalable system – once you’ve nailed the formula – you can turn it up as required.
There are 4 key indicators this is the right system for you:

Your product is a considered purchase - so trust is key
Trust is always important in business.
But when you are selling something that is worth more than, say, £20k, people are going to think about it a bit.
They want to know not just that the product delivers what it says it will, but also who the company is that they are buying from – can they trust you with what might be a lot of money (even if it’s delivering great value overall).

When People buy from people
This used to be true for everything – but that’s no longer the case. Many transactions are done online, or through self-service machines. This system is for those of us that still have human interaction. Hello! Nice to see you.
So trust needs to be built not just with your company, but the person representing your business. In start ups, that’s the founder, in a professional services firm, that’s the partner, as your company grows, it’s your sales people.

You don’t yet have a brand that can just open doors for you
Your prospects don’t really know who you are. Yet. If you work for a big company, and many of you may have done so in the past, you know that getting meetings at the highest level with your prospects is a lot easier.
They know who the name. They’ll accept a call, even if you’re the best provider, as it’s an easier decision to make. So this system is not for the Googles, the Microsofts’, the IBMs of the world. But those who have to work harder to get noticed.

When the product is new to the market or your approach is different to others
You need to teach people about the benefits they will receive when they fix this issue, and how you would go about things, so they can start to feel comfortable that this is something they should look at.
Some things are just harder to sell than others. Especially if you have not one, but two, three or all 4 of the above. If it’s a hard sell, you need a soft approach.
Clients Testimonial
Who can’t we help
We hate to fail. Our approach is not right for everyone and we want to be upfront about who we have struggled with over the years.
These are the three types of business we can’t unfortunately help:

Those who would like to work on a success-only basis
We need our clients to have some skin in the game and we hope that our guarantee and the testimonials below gives peace of mind that we’ll deliver.

Those that expect miracles

Volume based with online sales
100s of happy clients

Robbie Bhatti, Head of Sales, Quicklink
“I think we’ve known all along that this is the right way to do things. I’ve been working with Phase 2 almost since its start and have bought them into multiple businesses that I’ve been working with. All of these companies have been offering complex, cyber security and BI solutions addressing the needs of CIOs and IT Directors across the world.
I see others spamming my inbox with a series of inane messages every other day for a week and then stop, and think: what are they doing?
No one wants the hard sell. But with the soft selling system, my team and I have interesting things to talk about, prospects want to listen and when they ask for a call, they’re properly engaged.
Sure it’s not success overnight, but you can clearly see the interest build and build and build, and it’s definitely worth checking out their unique way of building the top of our sales funnel.”

Hamish Horton, Head of Sales, Keboola
“We turned to Phase 2 to help build our brand across the world. We’re aggressively hiring sales people but we’re new to the market and aren’t yet that well known. We needed help to make sure the content we’re developing got in front of key buyers.
We took a 12 month approach to this. And it’s fair to say that they’ve delivered – the quality of the people we’ve met with, as a result of their work, has far exceeded expectations: we’d never have reached them simply by posting things online.
Phase 2 helps us build the pipeline for our sales people across the world and I’m very happy to recommend them.”

Ema Mustajbašić, Co-Founder, Ministry of Outsourcing (MOO)
“I love the idea of Soft Selling – I’m just so much more comfortable with this approach than sending out what I feel are spammy messages that other lead generation companies recommend.
We’ve got a brand to maintain after all, and I didn’t want to ruin relationships with potential customers from day 1.
Now what happens is that we get responses from people that are actually saying “thank you”. Rather than just “No – go away!”.
I get great reports too – properly analysed by our account manager.
Overall, I am very happy to recommend Phase 2.”
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